
About Us

About Us

An Outline of Pulse

PULSE is a Charity wing of C3 Research Foundation (C3RF). C3RF is a non profitable charitable trust instituted by trustees with thought of helping poor. It is registered under Commissioner of Income Tax(Exemptions), Registered under 12AA income Tax Act 1961dated 15th July 2016, Serial .No : 2514. The main focus of the trust is to rebuild the lives of kids and needy people from poor socio economic background, who are victims of heart and other diseases. This initiative was possible because of many people, philanthropists and organizations having similar thoughts of helping poor.

About Us

History and The Origin

C3 research foundation (C3RF) is a Non- Profit Organization. C3 Research Foundation is working towards the quality of health and helping to build institutional and systems capacity in India for strengthening on continuous medical Education, Training and Research in area of Cardio Metabolic Disorder. We conduct camps at various places which are in need for medical assistance. Structured as an independent foundation, C3RF adopts a broad, integrative approach towards Cardio-Metabolic Disorders, tailoring its endeavors to Indian conditions and bearing relevance to countries facing similar challenges and concerns. C3RF recognizes the need in the field of Cardio-Metabolic Disorder in unnoticed needy, uneducated rural areas is a added public health concerns in the country which in turn requires health care to be addressed not only from the scientific perspective of what works, but also from the social perspective of, who needs it the most.

The trustee of the foundation are a group of professionals from different fields, (two of the founding trustees being cardialogist) who felt the pressing need to financially support heart patients and other diseased patients from weaker sections of the society as well as to bring about an awareness about the preventive aspects of heart disease among the general public.

PULSE was conceived by number of doctors who came across a number of poor heart patients needing urgent treatment during the course of their work and at heart camps that they conducted. In India there are instances of babies and people of low socio economic status dying for no fault of theirs. These people do not have the money even to come to the hospital for check up and consultation. So C3RF launched a programme called PULSE with a few individuals to reach out for these needy.

The foundation is welcoming tie up with outstanding health institutions in order to provide quality treatment to the poor.

Our History

Our Vision

Pulse dream to give treatment to all the people of low socio-economic status irrespective of following

    • Caste
    • Colour
    • Religion and Gender

Our Mission

Pulse attempts to reach the unnoticed needy in urban and rural area to undergo treatment by building a sound team.


    • To facilitate the best possible treatment at an economical rate
    • To identify the needy patients through the camps in rural and urban areas
    • To create awareness regarding heart disease and other disease– the cause, the treatment and the prevention
    • To identify the donors who can help the cause


The PULSE has adopted a multi stakeholder strategy to intervene in the life of poor heart patients and bring them to life from the point of death or disability. The Foundation has been supporting patients across the country.

From the inception of the foundation it has made a major contribution in reaching out needy heart patients.
